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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter inside current category

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  • Diogo Comprido

    When we have a Search & Filter form on a category archive page, how can make sure the filtering happens only on posts belonging to the current category?

    Any way of adding a hidden field that contains the category ID and have it submitted alongside the other filters via ajax?


    We only want to filter on products that belong to CAZymes > Glycoside Hydrolases > Acetylgalactosaminidases

    Ross Moderator

    You can take a look in the tags, categories and taxonomies tab of your search form – and you can include / exclude any specific term there.

    If you want to do this dynamically, based on the current page being viewed, you can use a PHP hook to change the query arguments –


    Diogo Comprido

    We ended up by adding a product_cat field, activate “Detect defaults from current page” for “Tag, Category & Taxonomy Archives” and then hiding that field via CSS.

    Ross Moderator

    Ah yes! That would work, easier solution 🙂



    Hi, Ross!!
    Can you post an example with the filter for the current category of the archive, please? It’s been 5 hours and still can’t achieve it 😟 . I’m using Elementor Pro. Thanks!

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