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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Access the Active Query Object

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  • Kevin


    I see in Documentation “Access the Active Query Object” to display the current users’ search/filter settings anywhere on the page.

    There is a code, but i don´t know, were i has to add this code?

    And Second Question:

    Do you know, how i can use SEO for filter querys? How i can set specific Meta Titel and Meta Tags for each filter query, so that different filter querys and results can find on google?

    Thanks for Help.

    Best Regards,

    Trevor Moderator

    First, the Active Query Object. How are your results being out put on the results page? Many method uses frameworks and/or page builders, and with these, you really do not have access to the data you need. Instead, the page the outputs the results must be using a PHP template. So, you fist need to describe to me the Display Results Method that the form uses, and any other useful infomartion.

    Second. I am not aware how this can be done, but, again, if you are using a PHP template, you MIGHT be able to do this.

    This post describes how to retrieve the data from within the PHP template of the results page:

    This will require intermediate PHP coding skills.


    Thanks for Answer.

    First is solved

    I use Elementor to show filter and filter results.


    I will take a deeper look to this.

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