Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Price slider is canceling out my pagnation


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  • Anonymous

    For some reason the price slider makes the pagination on my shop page not work. When I click on either a page number or the next button I get this URL ( and nothing happens. I can open the page in another window and it works fine. I can also change the price on the price slider and it works fine, but otherwise when first landing on the shop page, the pagination does not work with the price slider. I can remove the price slider and it works fine as well.

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    I can see two Search and Filter forms on the page; #1876 (visible on desktop) and #1977 (visible on mobile)

    Are these controlling the same grid, or different grids? My suspicion is that they are conflicting with each other. Doing this (having more than one instance of the same form, or even multiple different forms) will mean that they don’t work together and often will conflict with each other. Just be aware that this is possible, so if you have problems with the results not working, that might be why. Normally, we suggest only one form instance on the results page.

    Can you try the page with just one form and one results grid?

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    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

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