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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Pagination not working

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Lemon Hive

    I am using a product filter radio button in desktop and tablet mood, then this filter will be mobile version in dropdown. How can I do?
    I create 2 section one is filter with button other is filter with dropdown and hide device as require,
    but problem is there pagination is not working.

    thanks advance

    Trevor Moderator

    What you tell me suggests that you have the same search form twice in the page. It MIGHT work, but often, doing this (having more than one instance of the same form, or even multiple different forms) will mean that they don’t work together. Just be aware that this is possible, so if you have problems with the results not working, that might be why. Normally, we suggest only one form instance on the results page.

    Having a field with the same source shown in different formats (for example, dropdown vs checkbox or radio button) WILL cause problems. For now, until we release V3 in a few months, I would strongly advise having the form once on the page for both mobile and desktop, and make the choice of field type that will best work with mobile and use that also for desktop.

    Lemon Hive

    there is any way to working together. I fall in big problem.

    Trevor Moderator

    There is not a way to get two forms to work together, sorry. This possibility should arrive with V3, but that is a few months away yet.

    Lemon Hive

    actually we want a filter button in desktop and tablet mood. but in mobile we want to dropdown filter not filter button.

    there have any way to do it?
    Please help me.

    Trevor Moderator

    This is not possible, sorry.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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