Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to apply a taxonomy

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  • Anonymous

    Hi. Sorry, bear with me. The whole concept of those taxanomies is still quiet confusing to me.

    Situation as follows. I need a filter with 3 Options resp. Dropdowns.

    dropdown 1 (category or taxanomy) dropdown 2 (category or taxanomy) dropdown 3 (tags)

    I guess cross-referencing categories is not such a good idea, so I think taxanomy.

    I added a sample in the functions.php, and it shows up when I create the taxanomy filter field.

    Here would be my question. How can I add the taxanomy to my post or associate it with a specific post ?

    for example, I have dropdown 1 (competence with 4 child points) dropdown 2 (disciplines with 4 child points) and tags as a select array.

    I just cant figure out how to apply those taxanomies to a post.



    This is what I try to achive. A produkt filter. I use posts. I need to be able to associate the posts to one point in the first dropdown, to one point of the second dropdown and tags (which works).



    The creation of Post Types and Taxonomies, and attaching the two together is a subject really outside the scope of our technical support. To do this manually is of course very possible, but best done by experienced WordPress coders.

    Normally, even I do this using a plugin called CPT UI simply because it is easier and adds no more overhead than using functions.php, plus if you change the theme, you keep the CPT UI settings.

    I would suggest you do as I do in this regard, and use CPT UI (it is free and available on

    Then you will see the taxonomy meta boxes when you edit a post.

    Our plugin will ‘join’ them for you, as long as, in the General settings tab of the form:

    Set Auto Count (both settings) to ON

    And then in the Form UI:

    In each field set Hide Empty to ON


    Hi Trevor. Thanks for your response. I actually did install the CPT UI plugin and played around, but the length of the fields and settings was confusing, so I copied some sample code into the functions.php to see if search & filter even picks it up. It did. I will follow your advice and go with the plugin. Lets see what I can come up with =) Thanks for the info.


    Hmmm. Sorry again. Instead of a field available to choose from for an existing post, I thought It would show up where you have categories and the tag field on the right when you edit a post, it created a entry in the left main wordpress menu in the backend. ?

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    yes. second. what is yours ? easier to find I guess

    mine is dirkbinternagel

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