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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Responsive Search Forms


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Zachary Kulpinski


    I’m not at all sure if this is possible, but is there a way to make a search form responsive to mobile and tablet layouts? I would like to have a search form I’m using to switch from a Checkbox, to a Dropdown when using the mobile version of the site. Is that possible?


    Trevor Moderator

    That level of responsiveness is planned, I think, in V3 (due in a few months), but is not currently possible, sorry. You are currently restricted (in the main) to one form per results page and one use of a data source per form field.

    Renee Martin

    Hi Trevor, am also very keen on auto-switching to dropdowns at smaller breakpoints.

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Renee. Keep an eye out for V3 then.

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