Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search Multiple Category Dropdowns

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  • Anonymous


    I am looking to see if it is possible to setup the search to only have Category dropdowns. Ideally I would like to have each dropdown a list of Sub-categories to choose from. Screenshot attached of what I am trying to achieve.



    Thank you. This helped a lot.

    Is there a way to further customize the results page and how the events show up when searched?

    I have Essential Grid installed and applied to the CPT, but when the search results come up, they are not using the Essential grid layout.


    I want to customize the “Results” page further as in add a header.

    I will look further into the essential grid setup as I am struggling to find the grid id. I can only find the alias.


    If you use the browser web developer tools and inspect the grid, you will see the id number.


    Thank you.

    What about the results page when using the search bar?


    I am not sure I understand?


    When I use the search bard, and click “Go”, it brings me to a page with the results fed into it.

    I would like to customize this results page to have a header and “Back to home” button for them to quickly go back home and re-start their search.


    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your result page so I can take a look? Give me a URL that includes a search query already?

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