Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Remove “all categories” and have items filtered immediately

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  • Anonymous

    Hi S&F Pro,

    Is it possible to remove the “All Categories” filter and once a user goes into our page, all the content is immediately sorted in one of our filters immediately? Example in this screenshot


    What type of control is that? A radio button? It is possible to remove that option (either hiding it using CSS, or use a filter*), but you can only pre-select a value IF:

    #1 You are searching a single Post Type
    #2 You are using the Post Type Archive display results method (and have two more settings set correctly). This means that you must be on a category archives page using the category archives template.

    The ability to more generally preselect a field value should come with V3 (due in summer 2020).

    * If you are comfortable with PHP, you can change all the options in any field using this filter:

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