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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro S&F Form Not Saving Added Options

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  • Michael Fellmeth

    Hi Ross, sorry to bother you while you’ve been working so hard on 2.0, but we’re having a real problem with one critical S&F Pro form on the Production and Staging Servers. It will not save additions to the database. It is a large form with lots of entries, but additions to it continue to save fine to the DB on Local Dev Server. I’m baffled as to why it won’t update on Production and Staging, and the data needs to be updated there soon. If you can spare a moment, it would be greatly appreciated.


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Michael

    This sounds like a your hitting the limits on your servers for max_execution_time, max_input_time, or memory_limit, as opposed to different (increased) settings on your local server.

    You should be able to change these options in your hosting control panel (php.ini) or by contacting them directly.

    Hope that helps.

    Michael Fellmeth

    Hi Ross,

    Thanks for the suggestion. I set user.ini settings on both Staging and Production to following:

    memory_limit = 500M
    upload_max_filesize = 500M
    post_max_size = 1000M
    max_execution_time = 1000
    max_input_time = -1

    But no luck, the problem persists. Do you have any other ideas? At this point, I’m having to update the form on local Dev, and copy the field data from MySql into the Production MySql DB. This is, I think it’s fair to say, not an ideal solution. Will give you credentials in next private post if you could find time to take a look.


    Michael Fellmeth
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Michael Fellmeth

    Hi Ross,

    Sorry for delay in responding. Was waiting for a developer to finish some custom work on Staging. I’ve now enabled WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG in wp-config.php.

    Using Query Monitor I can see following, but I’m not sure what exactly is overriding user.ini. Even so 600 and 256 should be sufficient, shouldn’t they?
    max_execution_time 600
    Overridden at runtime from 1000
    memory_limit 256M
    Overridden at runtime from 512M

    Query Monitor also reports two PHP errors, as follows, but I can’t imagine they’re the cause here:
    Undefined index: operator

    Lastly, I see this in Query Monitor:
    UPDATE wp_postmeta
    SET meta_value = ‘1443077345:10’
    WHERE post_id = 176
    AND meta_key = ‘_edit_lock’

    I’m perplexed by the set meta_value line. What is that? Shouldn’t the meta_value be the full string that I’ve been copying and pasting from Dev to Prod?

    Still baffled.


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Michael

    I’m really not sure what is causing the forms not to save then, you would think its these limits, and if it was something else it would show up in your logs – alas this is not the case.

    I’ll have to do more testing however I am planning on completely redoing the way Post Meta works anyway – the idea is they are automatically synced with the Post Meta you currently have – so there is no need for large forms or updating the options.

    On another note, I want to better to understand the use case for these huge lists of post meta options that some users’ have and see where this can be improved – as I don’t think presenting a user with a thousand options is generally a good idea which some users are literally doing.

    Are you using this field as a kind of “auto complete”? so when a user starts typing they have options available to choose from?

    I’m seriously considering adding this in as an option soon, which would be great for performance in general and I think would work well with the above and many other use cases.


    Michael Fellmeth

    Hi Ross,

    A developer friend of mine just sent me following: “Hmm.. it appears the problem is caused by a server environment (php) variable called max_input_vars which by default is set to 1000. But you have lots more within a POST call for this particular form. You should get in touch with the server admin on a way to increase, most probably through a local php.ini config file. Make it like 10000 which should fix the issue.”

    So I will look into this today.

    Re your desire to better understand why we’re totally overpopulating your plugin :), I think a picture is worth 1,000 words, and the best way is to go and look at how it’s being used on the site here:

    There’s simply no better way than your filter to dynamically allow a customer to filter through our “products” to find what will suit their needs, and autocomplete certainly plays a big role in making the filtering process for them quicker than having to scroll and scroll to get to a filter criterion.

    I applaud the synching with Post Meta. That would save me having to make manual additions all the time, which I hate doing. But as with everything automated, you lose flexibility. So I would say to pay special attention to ways that data can be excluded. That’s where a lot of people will run into problems. There needs to be ways to filter on/limit what data gets selected to populate.

    Happy to help you in any way I can, just let me know. Now off to try and change the max_input_vars and see what’s what!


    Michael Fellmeth

    Ross, further to above, if you add ability to build a query for synching, that would be a pretty neat and flexible solution. I don’t know exactly what that would look like in a GUI, but if you had the control to build SQL statements somehow, then you could synch exactly what you need.

    Also, please make synching an additional option, not a replacement for manual addition. For example, the top two fields in Filter Plays are heavily populated, and synching would be a huge help. But all the other fields have only a small handful of entries, and typing those in is just way easier.

    Michael Fellmeth

    Ross, saving problem solved. It did indeed turn out to default max_input_vars = 1000 setting at the host. This was easily overridden by adding max_input_vars = 25000 to my .user.ini file, and we’re now golden, additions will save. Thought you should know in case anyone else encounters same issue.

    Again, if I can be of any help with the new plugin and use of large number of entries with it, hit me up.


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