Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to dynamically show/hide form filter

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  • Anonymous

    Hi Team,

    I already set up a product filter for my site, each product has their own post metadata which is varied by the product type.

    What I want to do is to have the first dropdown with product type on it (Custom Taxonomy) which controls the remaining filter to show/hide depending on the product type that we choose.

    For example, show Resolution only on a product type TV or Monitor.

    I have created a demo Gravity Form to demonstrate what I would like it to be at the private reply below to make sure you get the same picture.

    Thank you.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    To be able to conditional show fields is not a feature of the current version of the plugin. This may become possible in V3, which we hope to release in the next few weeks.


    Thank you Trevor!

    I’m so glad to hear that the v3 of plugin is going to be release soon. If possible, I would like to know if I have purchase the v2 plugin around this coming week, would I be able to upgrade to V3 for free?


    Current licence holders of V2 will be able to use V3 Pro for free, yes.

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