Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Help with custom display results filter

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  • Anonymous

    as you can see in the image ( i set the shortcode of filter near as possible of my query posts as you specified in documentetion.

    But filter doesn’t show in frontend:

    Can you help me to understand where is the error?

    Tnx so much,

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Alessandro

    It looks like you are using Elementor?

    It seems like you are using our old integration steps.

    Please remove that shortcode, and any javascript you might have added.

    Instead, follow the instructions here (and install the Elementor extension):



    Yeah i use elementor but i want to use a custom query like you explain in your docs because with integrations step i not have Lightbox working on my image as you can see here

    Instead with my custom query i can use Lightbox for images fine…i need only know how can works with filter above it ๐Ÿ™‚

    tNx so much in advice…


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Ale

    Ok, so you are trying to integrate with custom display method:

    Instead of using filter_next_query shortcode, why don’t you add search_filter_id to your query?

    $args = array('post_type' => 'post');
    $args['search_filter_id'] = 123;
    $query = new WP_Query($args);

    BTW, for some reason I don’t think our shortcodes work in the Elementor shorcode widget, you need to use a text widget if you want to do it that way :/



    ok, i’ll try with text widget in few mins because it’s easy for me instead to create query by code (i use other elementor widget to create query).

    Tnx so much,
    i came back in few mins for a feedback.



    Hi, i try to insert the shortcode in a text widget as you can see here:

    But still doesn’t show anything. ๐Ÿ™

    I need to use filter with custom post grid made by an Elementor widget (Dynamic Posts):

    I think that with shortcode is the simple solotuion but doesn’t work ๐Ÿ™

    Help pls,

    Ross Moderator
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