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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filtering issues again…

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  • SupportQuestion

    Hi, I’ve already had this issue and we have resolved it with Trevor:
    But actually it worked for about a week and then we had Not found errors again. After cache rebiuld it worked again, so we did rebuild once a week, trying to troubleshoot what’s actually happening there.

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    Trevor Moderator


    As it is late here, I will get on this in the morning. I cannot recall our previous conversations, but do you use any post importation or syncing software?

    Before you rebuild the cache, do you check the database and look at the two cache tables?

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    Trevor Moderator

    No, we have custom taxonomies, they are created via functions.php and ACF, no syncing, users create posts manually.
    No, haven’t check database tables, where to look next time, are there any logs?


    no, will definitely try it, thanks!

    Trevor Moderator

    Our posts are crossing!!

    Your server may (should) have SQL logs.

    Trevor Moderator

    Without that governor switch in place, WP Engine sites often have ‘No Results Found’ messages. That is likely the cause then. Can I wait for you to come back to me before I investigate any further?


    yeah, since it is late there anyway! Will give you an update in several hours, thanks!

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