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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Pagination not working in IE8 with a Search Filter

  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Ross.
Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Drew Rawitz


    Unfortunately I need to make this site that I’m working on compatible in IE8, and I”m getting some weird behavior with the pagination. On pages with a dropdown filter, the pagination works fine. But on the pages with a search filter, it says it cannot find any results and the pagination disappears.

    Here are some screenshots:

    First Page:

    When I click on the 2nd page:

    It works fine in modern browsers. Any idea what this could be?


    Drew Rawitz

    So it looks like once I actually type something in the search and hit Enter, and then click on the pagination, it works. It’s only messed up when you first go to the page and try to switch to a different page.

    I can just search for nothing by clicking in the input and hitting enter right away, and everything works fine. Very strange.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Drew

    I’ve sent you the latest 2.0 – pagination has been completely rewritten, so I’m hoping this would alleviate your issue.

    Let me know how you get on.


    Drew Rawitz

    Thanks Ross!

    In IE8 when I go to a new page, I get the following error now. Even on the pages with a dropdown filter, which was working before:


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Drew, can’t see that image I’m afraid?

    I’ll do some IE8 testing soon.


    Drew Rawitz

    Oh you cant? It’s basically just having an issue with Object.Keys in IE8. Line 577 of search-filter-build.js

    Thanks Ross.

    Drew Rawitz

    Hey Ross,

    Sorry to bug you! Just wanted to see if there’s any update on this? Did you have a chance to look at the plugin in IE8?


    Ross Moderator

    Just sent a fix – let me know

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