Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Default Order Meta Value Bug?

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  • Anonymous

    My posts have a lot of meta values used as flags. One of them is for favorites, and i used the Default Order/Choose Meta Key params in Settings & Defaults > Posts to push all the favorites up to the top. I have another meta value that is for flagging a post to have a custom icon displayed. This is not referenced or used in the Search and Filter plugin, but any post that has this flag is showing up next to the ones flagged as a favorite.

    Does anyone have any idea what could cause search and filter to use other meta values in it’s Default Ordering?

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    Thanks for renewing the licence. Did you resolve this, as I didn’t hear from you?

    Is this a situation that you set a default order in the Posts settings table, but a Sort Order field in the form, when used by the site visitor, ignores/overrides the default order?

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