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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Dropdown number ranges

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  • Jonathan Woodruffe


    I had the filter working really well with a range slider for prices, then the client went and added a couple of listings that are so far outside of the usual price range that everything else fits into a hairs width on the scale. Literally 100-1000 times the price of other things on there.

    My question is how to setup price ranges as a dropdown ie -0-50, 50-100…. then 1000+

    Completely secondary thing, what’s the best way to disable or remove any sorting from woocommerce if I wanted to use the sorting on the filter instead? With it still in there, I either get no change on sorting or a 404 depending on what settings I’ve got on woo.

    Thanks again


    Trevor Moderator

    To the first question, you would need to create a second custom field to hold those ranges. You could auto populate that field when the post is saved, but it would mean going back and editing all existing posts. V3 Pro of our plugin (which we hope to release in June) will have the ability to create your own filters, and may well offer you the ability to do as you wish without the need for an additional field.

    Jonathan Woodruffe

    Hi Trevor

    Thanks for that! I’ve not got too many on there for now, so worth the pain sooner rather than later for a better result .



    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

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