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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Checkbox filtering: AND/OR doesn’t seem to do anything different


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  • Bruce Cannon

    Hi! Just bought this thing, fired it up, made a test filter for blog, and can’t get filter logic sto work as I expect.

    I am filtering on category, using checkboxes.

    To test, I have three categories assigned to each of three posts.

    When no category checkboxes are selected, all three posts show, as expected.

    When I check any one category in the filter, the other posts disappear and show only the correct one.

    The problem is this: when I check an additional category, instead of the other post appearing also, the current filtered post disappears and the “nothing found” message shows.

    I tried both AND and Or logic setting in the filter setup, both do the same thing.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Bruce Cannon

    Oh drat, never mind. As soon as I posted this, I discovered that there are multiple AND/OR configuration settings. I was trying only the one for the post types. I belatedly discovered the ones in each taxonomy type, now it works as expected!

    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

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