Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search and Filter a list of links

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, I have an educational website and we’ve collated a list of references that are sorted by topic on our site. We’re using elementor pro. How can I best implement search and filter pro to search and display the different text links to each resource. Do I have to create a new post for each link (theres over 30 of them) or is there an easier way?


    If I understand you correctly, you want that list showing as the results?

    Are these just media items right now? Or are they some form of custom post type?

    Please note that we are now into an extended public holiday weekend (Friday to Monday inclusive) here in the UK. We may be working for some of this period, but replies may be delayed at times.


    I can show an example. I have a text based list like this in a regular page:

    -2019 Canadian Cardiovascular Society / Canadian Association of Interventional Cardiology Guidelines on the Acute Management of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Focused Update on Regionalization and Reperfusion (html) (pdf)
    -2017 ESC: Guidelines for the management of acute myocardial infarction in patients presenting with ST-segment elevation (html) (pdf)
    -2013 AHA: Guideline for the Management of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (html) (pdf)
    -2009 CCS: Providing a perspective on the 2007 focused update of the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association 2004 guidelines for the management of ST elevation myocardial infarction (pdf)

    Can this plugin filter this list and show results based on search? Where it says html and pdf those are links to the guideline website.


    These are external links?

    How have you stored them so far in WordPress?


    Here is an example of how it is laid out on my previous site:

    Simple text list that links to external site as a reference for other physicians


    But I’m happy to store them in another way if it can become searchable and filterable. The only way I know now is to create posts and search/filter them. But that doesnt seem practical to create a different post for every one of the references.

    In the link I sent each bullet point is a separate point that I want to be able to search and filter.


    I would, as you suggest, create a custom post type. The problem comes when you also sub divide the links into major and minor sections. This I think I would do using two custom fields. You would need to use our Shortcode method to display the results, as this would allow you to edit the layout most easily, as it would be somewhat custom.

    Two more custom fields would be required for the actual HTML and PDF links. Probably a simple text field would be sufficient for each of these.

    To create the Custom Post Type I would use the Custom Post Type UI plugin. To create the custom fields I would use the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. Both are free. Some links have no secondary section heading. In the setup I describe, they would still have to have one, but you could use ‘none’ (the word) as the value, and then the coding in the layout template could coded not print it.

    It would take some work, but will function as you require.


    Thank you! I actually ended up using the page link to plugin and it works amazingly. Followup question, can you by default show no results until the user searched for something?

    Im using elementor post gallery


    With Elementor, there isn’t a method you can use to create a ‘no results’ message for Ajax results refreshes. That is the way Elementor is coded, sorry. Also, there is not a way with Elementor to not show results until a search has been made.


    I need to add that our new integration method for Elementor:

    Does add a No results option. IF you are using one of those modules methioned.

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