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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Is there a possibility to hide all items on dropdown?

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  • Timm

    Hi there,

    is there a chance to hide all items on a dropdown filter?
    Or do i have to hide it via CSS code maybe?

    I started a search, but couldn’t find something in the documentation or forum.

    Another question is there a possibility to have conditional acf meta fields?

    For example:
    If i choose from a dropdown (meta field) “Shops” or “Restaurants”, that there will be shown an additional dropdown (which differs from the selection made)?

    Thank you for your help!

    Best regards,

    Trevor Moderator

    Q1. is there a chance to hide all items on a dropdown filter?
    A1. Via CSS yes, which could be triggered by JavaScript. Both would require custom code though.

    Q2. Another question is there a possibility to have conditional acf meta fields?
    A2. I am sorry, but this is not possible in the current version of the plugin. It may become possible in V3 (due soon).


    Thanks for the quick reply! I appreciate.

    Q1: Do you have an example for that?
    Q2: Would be awesome to have that possibility in the future. This would make it a even better plugin.

    Trevor Moderator

    I don’t, I am sorry. My guess is that what you want to do is hide the options till a selection has been made in another field, in which case would it be better to hide the entire field until that selection is made?

    In which case, that is much the same as Q2 (but slightly different).


    Q1: Not i just want to get rid of the “all items” option in on dropdown. That clients can only choose option 1 or option 2, but not all items. I think would hide the option field with CSS. Maybe the quickest way to do that probably. Couldn’t find another setting to do that.

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah. Yes, others have done that to their forms, but I do not have a code snippet for you, sorry.


    okay thank you so much Trevor… if somebody has a code snippet, please feel free to post it here 🙂

    Trevor Moderator

    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?

    Tell me the field that it is needed on?


    Maybe I found another solution for that problem… I mean it’s not first option, but better to do it that way. The good thing is, that the option is one of the first selections a user has to do. So what I do now is to build two different pages for results and producing two search forms for it. So the problem is solved for that. Then I also have a solution for Q2, because I am on the right selection to place the correct dropdown.


    I will do a kind of “intro” page, where the user has to select one option before proceeding.
    I think that works for me in this case.

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