Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Creating a Filter For Widgets


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  • Anonymous


    I’m trying to make a search form that will filter widgets on my pages. Some pages’ widgets need filtered by “location”, some need filtered by “audience”. This will probably require me to make several different search forms. But I need help figuring some things out:

    How do I get those widgets to communicate with my search form? I started delving into the CSS Class ID of the widgets I want to filter (because that seems like the only way for the search form to communicate with the Elementor Team widgets I have placed), but I don’t see any options when I’m making the search form to filter by Class ID. If that’s not possible, is it possible for me to assign my widgets to a certain taxonomy?

    Thanks in advance!


    If I understand you correctly, you want to filter the content of widgets on the page?

    Do you have more than one widget on any given page that needs to have its content filtered?

    If so, do you need the content of those widgets to be filtered by a single form?

    And, following that, would that need to be by using Ajax?

    We have just released an extension/addon for Elementor Pro (late last night), so did you see this:

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