Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Conditional logic fields showing after ajax refresh

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  • Anonymous

    I am using elementor pro, and ACF some of the fields in ACF are set to show conditionally. if i load results using ajax all the conditional logic fields that should be hidden show. This only happens after setting any type of filter and continues until the page is refreshed.

    Dave L


    I assume, from what you say, that these fields are hidden on page load, and appear only after an Ajax reload of the results (after a filter)?

    I also assume that, if you disable Ajax in our form, that all works OK, except you don’t want/need the page to reload?

    How are you hiding the conditional logic fields? Are you using JavaScript? If so, you need to add a script to trigger that script again, using our AjaxFinish event, which you can see detailed here:

    It might look something like this:

    <script>(function ( $ ) {
      "use strict";
      $(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(){
        // call your script or function here
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