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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Size of Multi Select box


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Georg Divossen

    Hello, when i use the drop-down method in the search form ui to choose a category, on front end it shows the user about 20 items for choosing, wenn it is at the top of the side, and he can scroll up and down for more items. When it is in the middle of the screen, the drop down menu shows him about 10 items for choosing. Ok! When i set Multi-Select in the search form ui to choose a category, the box shows the user on front end only 4 items in the menubox. He can scroll up and down, but the little box with only 4 showed items makes navigation a little bit laborius. Is it possible to increase the multi-Select-Box from 4 showed items to 10 or more like the drop down box? Thanks for help, regards Georg

    Trevor Moderator

    As well as multi-select, maybe also enable combobox and go the our plugin settings and change the combobox script to Select2. That might look better.

    Georg Divossen

    Hello Trevor, i changed combobox script to Select2 and saved changing, but nothing happened. The combo-box looked like before changing. In Multi-Select there are still only 4 items showed, not more. I use divi actual version. I like to use multi select in a similar way like drop down menu for choosing categories. I use about 100 categories for choosing art-workshops on my page “”, but in drop down mode, which looks good, i can´t select more than one category. Thanks for help, regards Georg

    Trevor Moderator

    On the Veranstalter field, there are only four options. How can it be bigger? It has all the options showing. If there were more available options, it would be bigger.

    Georg Divossen

    Hello Trevor, on my page “” i have switched the Button “Kategorien wählen” to multi-select. You can see only 4 items. I like to expand this box to show more items (10, for example…). Thanks for help, regards Georg

    Trevor Moderator

    With a Select Multiple box, 4 is the default that will show. You could use CSS to set the height of the select, but this can give variable results across browsers, but is easy to do, for example:

    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="1255"] .sf-field-category select {
        height: 200px;

    The more difficult method is to use JavaScript to add a ‘size’ attribute to the select, where the number is the number of rows wanted.

    Be aware that, if the actual number of terms available is insufficient, the control may have empty space.

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