Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Force Choice Order – Disable / Hide options until previous option is selected


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  • Anonymous

    Hi there –
    I would like to fore the order of the options that the user selects. So if we have these options:

    1. Option 1
    2. Option 2
    3. Option 3

    I would like the user to have to select option 1 before being able to see or select option 2. Option 3 would only be available after 1 and 2 are selected.

    Thanks for your help!


    Sequential dependency is what you are describing, but it so not possible yet with our plugin, sorry. This may appear in V3, the first version of which should be released in a few months.


    Any progress on sequential dependency?


    We are still working on V3, sorry for the delays. But we are getting there.

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