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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search isn’t showing any results?

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  • Matthew Pollard


    Search is not showing any result(s). I am using ‘tag’ on the website as well & this is working fine. I have got the following settings:

    Search in the following post types: Journal entries (the correct post type)
    Auto submit form: ticked
    Field relationships: OR
    Display results method: As an archive
    Enter the file name of the custom template: archive-journal.php
    Set a slug? : journal
    Load results using Ajax? : ticked
    Make searches bookmarkable?: ticked
    Only use ajax on the results page?: ticked
    scroll window to: none
    Ajax container: .search-results
    Ajax pagination type: normal
    Pagination selector .pagination a
    Search form UI : tag, search & submit button
    Post status: published

    This is on a live website, so I can show you over zoom or skype. Thanks for the help.

    Matthew Pollard


    OK, I now understand that I need to use the Relevanssi to search by author. I have:

    1) enabled relevanssi on the advanced tab.
    2) I have ticked ‘Use custom fields for excerpts’ on relevannsi’s ‘excerpts & highlights’ tab
    3) On the indexing tab (in relevanssi’s settings) I have done the following:

    – ticked post type as ‘journal’
    – custom fields are set as ‘some’
    – I have entered ‘Author display names’ as the custom field.

    Is ‘Author display names’ incorrect for the custom field? As it still isn’t displaying any authors when searched. Thanks for your time!

    Trevor Moderator
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