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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter by Taxonomy


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  • Andrew Bringaze

    Please correct me if I am wrong or there is another post I didn’t see. I actually did that before…

    My client is asking me to display results when first coming to the page by the rank of their employees
    CEO > Branch Managers > Managers > Sales > Specialists

    Which I could just create a new taxonomy, give them the name or give those a unique number such as (1 – 5) or something… but can this sort by a taxonomy is basically what I am asking or what would be the best way to go about this.

    Trevor Moderator

    You are correct, if the data terms are stored as a taxonomy, they cannot be sorted, as taxonomy data are stored as an array (multiple terms) per post (which term in the array would you sort by?).

    Make a custom field and allocate a value you can sort by, but, be warned, if a post does not have a value in this field, then it will not appear at all in the results if you use the field to order by.

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