Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro S&F – AE Pro Posts Blocks – Taxonomies from ACF – not filtering

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  • Anonymous


    I followed the instructions to make the plugin work with Anywhere Elementor Pro:

    It didn’t work for me, then in the support I read a similar case:

    and I made some changes in function file in child theme:

    function my_super_filter_function($query_args){
      $query_args['search_filter_id'] = 4601;
      return $query_args;
    add_filter('my_super_filter', 'my_super_filter_function');

    But nothing happend, the filter loads the page but nothing is filtering.

    On the other hand the maps and feature images desappear when the page is reloaded.

    What am I doing wrong?


    Sorry, the URL:


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    Hi Trevor,

    I fixed it! Just a question, how can I do to make a slide range with taxonomies? and if is not possible how can I make a slide range?



    That is not possible, sorry. WordPress taxonomy fields are designed to hold only textual data and are set as arrays. Sorting can only work on numerical single value data, and so can only work on custom fields defined as such.

    If you do use a Custom Field (use a plugin like ACF where you can specify that the data is a numeric), every post has to have a value in that field. If they do not, when using a range field, all posts that have no value will disappear from the results.


    Hi Trevor,

    Ok, I created a custom field (Number data) with ACF plugin called “ano”, I filled all the number fields for every post, but when I filter for “years” using Post Meta (range slider->Plain text) nothing shows.

    And the rest of the filters are gone.

    I have another problem when I add Post Meta: Others filters (taxonomies) dosen’t work.
    If I remove this Post Meta Filter others filters works well.

    Can you take a look, please? There is no erros in the Console.

    All the post are in a CPT called: “Obras y Proyectos”.



    From what I can see you have select the meta key name _ano

    Look instead for the field name ano

    The difference is the preceding underscore.


    Hi Trevor,

    It works! You can close this ticket

    Thank you so much!


    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

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