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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Default Site Search

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Scott L

    For whatever reason, the default site search is not working since I activated the “pro” plugin and use it on a page. I tried using a custom search form that searched through *pages”, but that didn’t work either.


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Scott

    Are you by any chance using Relevanssi?

    If you disable S&F Pro, does that restore the functionality of your site search?


    Scott L

    No, I’m not using Relevanssi.

    Disabling didn’t seem to make much of a difference. Either way, it’s not pulling up results for pages… I am using the “Category Tag Pages” plugin too.

    Do you need the site URL – will that help?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Scott

    S&F doesn’t change any configurations/settings etc at all in your site – so disabling it will restore your site to its previous functionality.

    If you have a problem with your default site search, and S&F is disabled (and uninstalled) I think that problem lies within another plugin not S&F.

    Hope that makes sense.


    Ross Moderator

    Actually, the only possible thing I could think of is something wrong in your permalink settings – in WP head to settings -> permalinks, save them to default setting, revert back to your previous setting and try again.

    This is the only part of WP S&F messes with outside of itself.


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