Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search by Post Title

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  • Anonymous

    Hi there,

    I haven’t managed to find a solution in the forums. It should be fairly simple to do.

    I want to have a drop-down search field that lists all post titles from a specific custom post type.

    I have added an ACF field which stores the post title in each CPT and then I used the Search & Filter Post Meta field to create the field I need. However, the options Search & Filter gives are limited to either a boolean, a range, or a date. It does not give the option to simply list all posts titles.

    I see the ACF post title meta field in the Search Options when I build the search form but I cannot make it list the post titles.

    Am I missing something or is this not possible?


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    In case it helps, the way the ACF field populates the Title is with a shortcode I created in functions.php:

    function mcl_get_title(){
        global $wp_query;
        return get_the_title($wp_query->post->ID);
    add_shortcode('postTitle', 'mcl_get_title');

    So I have added the shortcode [postTitle] as default value in the field and I am expecting it to store the title as meta. It works on the front end. When I add the shortcode in a post it renders the post title.

    Eventually once everything works I will hide the ACF metabox (seamless) so that the cient doesn’t mess up anything.


    Ah. That will be why it isn’t working. Instead, you need to have code in the functions.php based on the WordPress save_post() function that copies the title into that post meta field.

    The search looks for what you want:

    But, the answers show how to copy the opposite way, but the logic can be reversed.


    That was the problem you were right. It’s all fixed now, you can mark this as resolved.

    Being able to do this with the click of a button would be a great feature for this plugin. A search by title feature.

    Thanks a lot for your help.


    I believe it will be possible in V3. Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

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