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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Visible Filter Removal & Search Accordions

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  • Matthew Wall


    I’ve got a project coming through that has some custom search requirements – I was wondering if it’s possible to have the filters within accordions, and how you would go about adding a section above the search results that you can click the cross on to remove?

    Like here:

    Sorry if this is default functionality and I just haven’t managed to find it

    Many thanks,

    Trevor Moderator

    I understand. Other than by custom Javascript coding, at the moment, there isn’t, sorry, but it will be a feature in the new V3 (I do not have an ETA for that yet).

    Matthew Wall

    Hi Trevor,

    Is the Javascript in reference to the Accordions or having the removal filters above the results? Or both?

    Thanks for your reply – this is a large scale project I’ll be working on. Can we expect V3 by the end of the year? Just working out timelines for this project for my client


    Trevor Moderator

    Removal of filters above the results is complex. With PHP coding, you can place those filters there with our existing hooks, but to add a removal x (or whatever), I am not sure that is even possible. I have not seen it done. That will be (I hope) in V3. I have no ETA on V3, so I cannot say. Given that the end of the year is 3 months away, I would suspect not.

    If you want to know to discover the filters in use, see this post (which itself will link to other posts:

    Matthew Wall
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Matthew Wall
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Matthew Wall

    Hi Trevor,

    It is indeed – many thanks


    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

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