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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro WP ALL IMPORT: after import Search&Filter Pro doesn't show product

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  • Ronny Briolotti


    I have a WooCommerce site where I import products by WP ALL IMPORT PRO and I use S&F to filter products shown in some custom page.

    I can import products without any problem but, if I want to make the Search&Filter Pro works properly, I have to save all the product after every import.

    Could you please help me to sort this issue out?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Trevor Moderator

    If you are using WP All Import, then this code (in the child theme functions.php file) should be used:

    add_action('pmxi_saved_post', 'wp_all_import_post_saved', 1000, 1);
    function wp_all_import_post_saved($id) {
        do_action('search_filter_update_post_cache', $id);

    We have had some issues with a recent release of WP All Import, which is fixed in their latest beta release (but that was in July, so a more recent release should be OK).

    This is needed because WP ALL Import does not notify WordPress that it has updated a particular post.

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