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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to import a search form from another wp project?


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  • uwe schmelzer

    How to import a search form from another wp project?

    Why isn’t this already in your documentation?

    What I found is this post, which is not helpful:

    Please help me with such a simple issue.

    Other options I have tried:
    Importing the CSV file of my search form via Settings > Tools > Import
    Result: It doesn’t work.

    Request II:
    I am a paying customer. I like your plugin. Please document such seemingly simple tasks in the documents. I surely am not the only on, who has a separate developement and production environment for wordpress.

    Thank you for caring for your customers. This is what I do all day all day, every day.



    Trevor clearly answered this in the thread link you posted above:

    You will not be able to export/import the form. If you did, your live site would most likely allocate it a new Post ID. It is not our plugin that allocates such IDs.

    The form will be given an ID when it is created, like anything in WordPress. If you imported a form with a specific ID but that ID was already taken by something else on your site like a post, page, attachment etc, it would conflict.

    Trevor Moderator

    As Jordan says, a form on its own cannot be imported/exported. Only a complete site migration (if done correctly), can achieve this. You need to quickly rebuild the form, but, as Jordan says, bear in mind it will have a different ID number.

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