Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Importing a search form

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  • Anonymous

    I have a test, dev, and production environment. I would like to import the search form I created on on test into dev.

    I see on the WordPress admin UI that I can export from the Tools menu the Search and Filter XML file, however, I do not see where I can import that into the dev site.

    Also, it is important that the imported form retains the same shortcode ID.

    Thanks for your help.



    You will not be able to export/import the form. If you did, your live site would most likely allocate it a new Post ID. It is not our plugin that allocates such IDs.

    Because the Posts on the live site may well have different IDs for posts, taxonomies, custom fields and terms within them, you would need to remake the form anyway, and let it build a new cache.

    This is a limitation of WordPress, sorry.


    Thanks for the information Trevor.

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