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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Relevanssi Stopwords

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  • Pankaj Jain


    I have enabled Relevanssi in my Search Form. I have not added the words Section and Rule as Stopwords, but still when I search for Section 12, it does not show the result, as it seems it is treating Section as stopword and 12, being less than 3 letter, it does not show up the post. However, when I search for Section 123, the result shows up. I am puzzled as I want to Search Section 12 or Section 5 or Section 99. It is very important for me. Please find me a suggestion.

    Trevor Moderator

    I am not sure why you posted this on the other thread, so I have made it as its own thread. I hope that is OK?

    If you want@

    ‘Section 12’


    ‘Section 123’

    To be treated separately, in Relevanssi, try these settings:

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