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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro search within the products area with Woocommerce

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 12 total)
  • Chan Wai Kin

    I just bought the plugin and am trying to use it.

    The plugin work greats after I added the search form. However, it only search the record within the post and page.

    How can I make it search within the products area which created by Woocommerce?

    p.s. Why I can’t leave any comment in the support area after login. Please help.

    The above issue is really urgent, would you please give me a help assap. Thanks


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Jacky

    Apologies for your troubles accessing support.

    I’m assuming in the settings box, you changed the post types so only “downloads” was ticked?


    Ross Moderator

    Please also see this response I have just added which may apply to you:

    Chan Wai Kin

    For the post types, I checked the products only. Is it the correct setting?

    Chan Wai Kin

    Please also send me the beta 2.0 and teach me how to set it up.

    Ross Moderator

    Just sorting out some bugs will send in the next 24 hrs.


    Ross Moderator

    Hi there

    There appears to be a couple of bugs I need to fix first – I sent you a copy but use at your own risk.

    There will be fixes on Monday.


    Chan Wai Kin

    Hi there

    Please also send me the perfect version.


    Ross Moderator

    Its coming later on today. Thanks for your patience.

    Chan Wai Kin

    Hi Ross,

    I’ve installed the beta version for the test site.

    How can I make it work with the woocommerce.

    Could you kindly give me a guideline for setting for plugin?

    Great Thanks

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 12 total)

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