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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Exclude Posts by ID Programmatically


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  • kiwicreative

    I have a S&F Form and need to find a way to exclude 3 posts from the results programmatically. I know the form settings have the exclude options, but the 3 posts will be changing, so I can’t set them in the settings.

    I have a function that retrieves the 3 IDs I need to exclude and puts them into an array. So trying to figure out a way to say…For a specific S&F form (because I have multiple S&F forms and only need this for one specific one), exclude these 3 posts from results. I feel like there is a filter or hook to do this, I’m just not sure how to create it.

    So lets say my S&F form has an ID of 287

    Then my function that returns an array of post ID’s is excluded_posts(). I’ve tested my function and does properly return an array of the 3 needed IDs

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Trevor Moderator

    You would need to use the post__not_in argument for WP Query, and use this in a function inside your child theme’s functions.php file.

    Then add this to our query using this filter:

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