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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Moved: Reply To: Search & Filter Pro on Woocommerce doesn't affect the loop

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  • Chris Lambert

    I see you have logged in and had a look but no reply. Any luck sorting it out?

    Saw you write a private message but I didn’t get an email… if it was for me can you send it again.

    Chris Lambert
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator
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    Chris Lambert

    OH OK. I think so. I will have a play around and let you know how it goes.
    So I need to make the product archive template the same as the products page!

    I will get back to you and let you know the results. Thanks for the help.

    Chris Lambert


    I have the search working now with ajax. Thanks for your help.

    Now i just need to sort the paginations top and/or bottom. They don’t update with the search??

    And also the lists don’t update with available products or hide the empty selections?
    Any ideas? Thanks for your help so far.

    Chris Lambert
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Chris Lambert

    Got it working with the pagination now and Ajax after working hard with the CSS to get the pages to look the same.

    Its definitely getting there now.
    One thing I have been noticing… the item count doesnt ever update from the overall total. Should it when selecting products?

    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Chris Lambert

    Hi Ross,

    Sorry I still need help on this.

    When using AJAX for the search the pagination works… but the next page loads above the next buttons etc. I would like it to navigate back to the top of the page when I click next or a page selection but as it is AJAX I think it just loads the results above.

    If I remove AJAX then the pagination links disappear completely and it only loads the 24 posts allocate to show.

    Can you help me out on this one?

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