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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro I'd like to exclude specific items

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  • Kie Kimura

    Thank you for the great plugin.
    I’m Japanese.SO my English may be not good.Sorry…

    I want search to exclude specific items.For example,It excludes specific allergens.

    Can it do that?

    Trevor Moderator

    Instead of including terms, which is what our plugin does, you want to exclude them. I am sorry, but this is not a feature of our plugin.

    I think it might be possible though, with custom coding. You would need to use the filter.

    This post discuss something similar:

    BUT, in your case, you have to change the 'operator' => 'IN', part of the query for the field to 'operator' => 'NOT IN',

    I will ask Ross, the plugin developer, if he has some further thoughts on this.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Kie

    What Trevor says is correct, you can use our filter sf_edit_query_args to restrict the results to certain categories or taxonomies, or exclude them, for example.

    Let us know how you get on.


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