Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Reset button with multiple search forms sharing same ID


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  • Anonymous

    On my page I have multiple instances of the same search form. One in the main body and one in the sidebar. I show and hide fields with css so the main body and sidebar have different search fields. However, they have to be connected with each other (thats why they are sharing the same search ID form). Everything is working except the reset button. The reset button only resets the value of the first search form, not all search forms with same ID. Is there a way to accomplish this?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey John

    This is not possible right now. IDs are only supposed to be used on one element at a time so this is likely part of the problem.

    The next version of S&f there is a bit of a JS rewrite, and you’ll be able to call functions on your form to build better custom functionality, something like:

    //this is not quite accurate but more of the general concept


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