Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Wierd Glitch After Search

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  • Anonymous

    Hello! I am not sure why it’s doing this but after you search it makes everything unclickable, view here:


    I went to the site and searched for California, and then was able to click on Tierra Chiquito with no difficulty?


    I made a quick video… notice the white overlay and the search menu is not operational. I can click on a property after i search


    Are you able to upload the customised results.php template file, that you are using, to a file sharing site, like dropbox, weshare, google drive, and share the download link with me so that I can look at the template code?

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    I did more testing and it has to do with displaying the results using AJAX. Hope this helps.

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Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)