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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Not able to further filter search result

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    I create a form for ‘search’ only with a submit button. Then a form for filters with checkboxes.

    I further save search.php as search-job.php.

    In both search forms, I enter search-job.php in ‘Display’ option.

    I places these two forms in sidebar. When I do a search, I was able to see search result. There is a ‘search result for xxx’. Then when I further filter search results, the ‘search result for’ become empty. The filter only filter all content, not the search results.

    How can I let the filter to further filter the search results?

    p.s. I have several post types. Job is one post type. Then I also have other post types. So I can’t simply use ‘search.php’ in ‘Display’ in order to solve this problem since other post types will also use search functions for that specific post type too.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Jennifer

    I’m having a little trouble working out what you are trying to do, so you create 2 search forms and want them to interact with eachother?

    This is not yet possible, you must add all the fields you want to the same search form.

    A plan for one of hte next releases is to be able to place the fields anywhere in your pages/themes which I think is what you are looking for 🙂


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