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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Reduce the number of database queries

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  • Joel Rendall

    I have S&F set up on the Archives page and have it working the way I want. The only problem is that when I turn on Wp Query Monitor, it shows that even when there are only a handful of results for a filter combination, 9000+ queries are being run by S&F.

    In my wp_posts table I noticed there are about 10,000 posts with the status “publish”, so I am guessing that S&F is querying all of those posts, even though the posts types are outside the scope of the settings in the S&F Filter I’ve set up.

    So my question is, is this normal behaviour to be querying all of the posts in the database when using the Archive method (instead of shortcode method)? And if so, is there a way to reduce the number of queries?

    As troubleshooting steps, I’ve confirmed that caching is turned on in the plugin settings, I’ve disabled all other plugins and tested on the default theme, just to limit the scope of the problem to being caused by S&F.

    Thanks in advance for your help!


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