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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to search child fields option with keeping the parent field in search form?

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  • delkhanna

    First of all Very thanks for this amazing plugin.
    My question is: How can we get the information about different grand field with the parent.
    so I have options in the ACF field:

    Information – Parent field
    company, product – child field
    rumor,confirmed,rumor,coming_soon,released – grand child field

    Information-> company-> rumor
    Information-> company-> confirmed
    Information-> product -> rumor
    Information-> product -> coming_soon
    Information-> product -> released

    Its perfectly working in adding to the form.

    But when I am trying to add all option with grand child field in search form, its not working.
    Please help me out.
    I am sharing here some screen shorts.


    Ross Moderator

    In ACF, if your field type is “select”, then “is serialised” should not be ticked I think.

    Can you send me a link to this search form on the website?




    Thanks for your reply,

    What do you mean by “a link” and “on the website”??

    I am sharing here a screen short.

    I have unchecked the “is serialised”.. but no luck.. 🙁

    Is it possible with the other type of field, not ‘select’?

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