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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Making the layout look the way I would like…

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 16 total)
  • David Ferguson

    Love the plugin, it actually works in filtering our products as customers select features, etc. I am not a coder and was hoping to easily make the layout look a little nicer. I have made a form in WPForms Pro because I saw you can use “data” from other forms to change the look of things. But I couldn’t get it to work when playing with the code on the support page and my Theme’s CSS (Melos Pro). Is there a way to take another form and insert it into the Search & Filter plugin that a novice designer can handle?

    David Ferguson

    The one in WPForms makes a shortcode [wpforms id=”5093″] but I am not sure how to include it in:

    //do stuff with this particular search form

    Trevor Moderator

    I am not entirely sure that I understand. You have made a form in WPForms Pro, and want to apply the style of that to our form?

    Are you able to show me live links to pages with both forms on?

    David Ferguson

    Sure thing. Just want to take the S&F filter I am setting up from this:

    To something a little more condensed, like this so I can maybe put it on the bottom of each of our pages, etc?

    Just not sure how to edit like making column in Elementor or using the way WPForms lays it out, etc?

    Trevor Moderator

    Rather than the horizontal css that you have added, maybe this instead:

    .searchandfilter ul>li>ul:not(.children) {
      column-count: 3;
    David Ferguson

    Thanks Trevor, I added that code into the Melos Pro CSS and it came back with an error that said “there are eight errors that need to be corrected before saving”. I’ll try to attach a screen shot.


    David Ferguson

    I also am putting it into Elementor now, to match the other pages. So maybe the formatting may not work anyway?

    Other than that, I love the plugin. It is really great.

    Trevor Moderator
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    David Ferguson
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    Trevor Moderator
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Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 16 total)

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