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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Post Not Showing Up If It Doesn't Have Meta Field Which Is In Search Form

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  • Mike Doble

    I have a custom post type that I am searching. That post type has a bunch of possible custom fields that are searchable. I’ve put them in a search form. One of those fields I have included in the form as a number range and left the min value blank and the max value as auto detect. When I save the form the min value is set as 0 even if I leave it blank. The problem I’m seeing is that when I do a search I am only getting posts that have an entry for that meta field in the database. The value of that field can be blank but as long as it actually exists it will show up in results. However, if that field doesn’t exist for a post then that post won’t be returned as a result. The meta field is not required though so there are a bunch of results that are not showing even though they should be. How do I get around this?

    Trevor Moderator

    The From and To cannot be left blank, and a limitation with range controls is that if a post doesn’t have a value, it is omitted from the results. The behavior you see is what I would expect. At this time, there is not a solution that would meet your particular needs.

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