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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search & filter pro and woocommerce product table

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  • setgp

    Hi. i’m doing a website with a product catalog displayed with woocommerce product table.
    I want to use Search & filter pro to filter and search my product atributes

    this is the example URL:

    what i want it’s to use a range slider for densidad and fluidez atributes like you did in your demo in the Oscars Won’s filter:

    Or if that’s not posible have a minimum and maximum inputs.

    Of course at the end what i want it’s that the results are displayed in te table of woocommerce product table.

    I already bought Search & filter pro and i’d been doing test but i can’t get make it to work.

    Thanks in advance for your support and patience.
    By the way, english it’s not my first language i hope i had been clear and understandable.

    Trevor Moderator

    Hve you made a form and placed it on a page yet? If so, are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?


    I added the form in the same url:

    My two questios are:
    -how can i display those filters (densidad y fluidez) as range sliders and
    – how can i display the results in the same table of woocommerce product table
    thanks a lot for the support.

    Trevor Moderator

    They are both taxonomies, and in WordPress taxonomies are textual data (even if they do hold only numerical data they are still treat as multi-value text arrays). They cannot be made in to range sliders. It would require that the data you hold in those taxonomies is held instead in numerical post meta custom fields, such as those that can be made with ACF.


    Thanks for the feedback. I made the change and now both parameters are numerical meta and displayed as range slider.

    Now, how can i display the search results on the woocommerce product table below?

    Trevor Moderator

    The tables is not there for me to see right now, but I assume that the table is made by a third party plugin and is not on the shop or product category page, but a page made specifically for it (in the admin pages editor)?

    Is the form placed on the page as a shortcode? If so, make the form a Custom Display type, and add a SECOND shortcode after the form shortcode, like this:

    [searchandfilter id="1428" action="filter_next_query"]

    Test it with Ajax switched OFF in the form.


    Hi, sorry the new url is:

    I add the shortcodes after the form of densidad exactly like you post it ([searchandfilter id=”1428″ action=”filter_next_query”]) and switch the ajx off

    i also try to change the id for mi id form in the fluidez form like this:

    [searchandfilter id=”4533″]
    [searchandfilter id="4533" action="filter_next_query"]

    Still no luck.

    Trevor Moderator
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