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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro s&f pro -> Does it support ACF?

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  • delkhanna

    I bought it and still not getting the value of ACF. Its not showing me any value from my ACF taxonomy but perfectly working with TYPES.
    I am sharing some screen shorts, may be I did something wrong.

    I have also asked you on the free version of s&f.

    Trisha Miller

    Please forgive if this sounds like a dumb question, but do you have Posts with that custom field assigned (colors)? Nothing will show up if you don’t actually have stored posts with that metadata to be displayed.

    I use Search&Filter Pro extensively with ACF and they work together very well.



    I have tried to create some post to assign the values with ACF custom filed, But no luck.. 🙁
    I also tried with different ACF CUSTOM Fields and values. I created some posts and assigned the values.. still its not showing me anything. Please help. I am sharing below more screen shorts..


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Ankur

    S&F 1.4.3 suffers from a bug in some environments when post meta is serialised.

    I’ve just emailed you a fix so hopefully this will be it (just make sure to be aware of the new option “is serialised” in the post meta fields.

    I’m working on S&F 2.0 which will overcome this and also once again remove this option to make it easier (better integration).


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    Ross Moderator

    Hi Ankur

    One thing I notice you doing is entering the post meta name manually.

    This is already a bad sign.

    Your post meta should appear in the dropdown list, if it doesn’t then it means you haven’t added it to any posts yet.

    Did you try ticking the box “is serialised” in the latest update I sent you?

    Also, I’m not sure about your above post, now you are mentioning taxonomies and not post meta – can you clarify what you mean?



    Thanks Ross,

    It was not showing me in the meta field. What to do if the custom field is not showing me in the MetaKey?
    you are right. I didn’t check “is data Serialized”.

    How can I see the meta field ?

    Ross Moderator

    I think something strange is being done to that meta data, I’m not entirely sure…

    Can you do a var dump of post meta of some the results so I can see? – ie stick the below into a regular page template to see the raw post meta associated with the post



    Hi its showing me the custom field now. I also checked the “Is data Serialized”

    But not showing me anything in search box.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey there

    Underneath you have “auto suggest” – you must add the options you want visible – I think thats it!


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