Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Problem with breadcrumbs (Yoast SEO, Elementor Pro and Search & Filter Pro)

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  • Anonymous


    I’m building a website with Elementor Pro, where I use Yoast SEO for breadcrumbs. I also added the Search & Filter Pro plugin to make the search result page a bit better, but when using the S&F search box my breadcrumbs only show “You searched for ” “”. Why is that?

    Thanks in advance,
    Daniel (right sidebar search box is from your plugin)


    The code is trying to find the WordPress search string, but there is not one. Instead is our search string, which it will not find. You would need to somehow change the Text string it uses to a more generic string, like ‘Search Results’.

    Yoast SEO is very configurable, so first see if there is a title section for the search page, and if not it has many hooks one of which might enable you to do this.

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