Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Can't set ajax pagination

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  • Anonymous


    I am trying to set ajax pagination on search page but ajax is not working on my pagination, I have search page in child theme and in that search page we echoed the anywhere-elementor template also anywhere-elementor template contains search and filter pro shortcode inside it, my ajax pagination selector is inside the ajax container. my ajax container id is == #aesearchfilter and my ajax pagination selector is == .ae-pagination-wrapper a

    please have a look at attached image url for better understanding

    This is the url to search page
    search page



    Our Ajax works by calling the page template and asking it to re-run the part of the PHP inside the ajax container. In your case, the template file does not have that Ajax Container in it. Instead, it is inside the shortcode. That is probably why it is not working. If you need to whole shortcode to refresh, then wrap it in a container and use that.

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