Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro results display with shortcode and tempalte

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  • Anonymous

    hi, there is any way to display results using shortcode, but with my archive.php template?



    ps: i’m using avada


    Possibly. Our shortcode method uses a default template called results.php, as detailed in this page:

    You are able to customize this (see the above documentation) and compare our template to the archive.php template you are using. The basic structure of our results.php file looks like this (pretty much standard structure for a WordPress archive template file):

    if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
    // do anything here that will appear before the actual posts, like pagination,number of results, etc.
    	while ($query->have_posts()) {
    // output each post with whatever HTML and content you need
    // do anything here that will appear before the actual posts, like pagination,number of results, etc.
    } else {
    	echo "No Results Found";

    You would need to match up what is inside your template and copy and past, and it should work.

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