Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro search full words

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Anonymous

    Hi there,
    I do not seem to have seen any topic dealing with this:
    is there any way that the plugin searches for the whole word in priority rather than a sequence of characters? IE. if I search for the whole word “CES”, the first results (and they are numerous) show terms like: services, access, etc.
    Thank you for your answers if anyone can help.


    The Search & Filter Pro Text Search field uses the standard WordPress search, so looks only in the Post Title and Content and behaves the way you describe. To help you control this better, on the form’s Advanced settings tab you will see 2 settings for Relevanssi.

    The documentation for this is here:

    You would need to install and activate the free Relevanssi plugin as well.

    Then set it up (in your case change the Keyword Matching) and build its index (make sure it is indexing the desired post types AND the taxonomies/custom fields that you want to search). See this screenshot:


    Many thanks Trevor.
    Perfect. It works.

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