Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Show all results override settings in filter

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  • Anonymous

    Hi there,

    I made a results page. There are a Google maps with all the filtered results and a list underneath. The list needs to show the results sets in the filter settings (80 results and load more on scroll), but the google maps have to show all the results at once. I’m using the same filter. Can I overrule the number set in the show result count?

    When I scroll the google map doesn’t update, I guess it doesn’t recognize the scrolling.

    I hope you can help. You can see it here:

    Another problem is that when I don’t have an active search the map cart doesn’t show all the results possible. That would be nice as well.


    How did you get the map to work?

    Are you able to make the results.php template file available to me (from a file sharing site maybe)?

    I suspect that what you want may be difficult to achieve. As it is, the map is very slow to load.

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    OK. I have looked at the code. I can see when (not critical to this question) code errror, on line 217:

    <li><i class="fas fa-users"></i>Activiteit</i></li>

    This should be:

    <li><i class="fas fa-users"></i>Activiteit</li>

    What I would do is to have 2 results.php templates. Name them after the ID number of the form. So, the current form is 207. Let us say that the new form is ID 1234.

    We will use the current form as is, and the new form is a duplicate of the form 207, except that the post per page is set to -1 and Ajax is OFF.

    Place the code for the map into 1234.php

    leaving only the code for the results in 207.php. Before that code, place a do_shortcode for the new form’s shortcode (outside the infinite scroll container).

    <?php do_shortcode(‘[searchandfilter id=”1234″]’);`

    Does that make sense?


    Thanks for the advice. That’s nice didn’t know renaming result to the form ID will work and make it possible to have multiple result.php versions.

    The map is crashing the server (haha) so you were right. Now we try another code structure on the map results.php so we don’t have to generate so much at once and try to do some lazy loading. Hope we will get it to work.

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    If you have Ajax ON, then this could be a problem, as only part of the page would load.

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